Original Strategy and Aims

These were our original 5 recommendations to Government in May 2020

Manchester Cladiators aims to make sure that another avoidable tragedy like Grenfell never happens again and we want to achieve this without leaseholders having to pay to fix building defects which were not their fault. Government has accepted that its building regulations have been "not fit for purpose" for decades. The Government's flawed approach has failed to effectively redress this 'system-wide failure' which has left hundreds of thousands of us in limbo.

In May 2020 we gave evidence to the Housing Communities and Local Government Select Committee Inquiry into the progress and remediation of cladding. These were our five key recommendations to them.
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The Government must be held to account for its flawed strategy and resulting severe delays and now take urgent steps to make buildings safe
A review of interim measures is urgently needed and alarms should be introduced wherever appropriate with costs met through the Building Safety Fund
The Government must put significantly more funding into the Building Safety Fund
The Building Safety Fund should be available to all residents needing it, not just those who fall into its currently limited categories
The Government should meaningfully take on board residents' experience

We Have Now Refined These Recommendations

10 Steps to #EndOurCladdingScandal


The Government must lead an urgent national effort to remove all dangerous cladding from buildings by June 2022.
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The Building Safety Fund must cover all buildings, regardless of height, and a range of internal and external fire safety defects not just cladding.
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The Government should provide the money up front, and then seek to recover it from any responsible parties or via a temporary levy on development.
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Social Housing providers must have full and equal access to the Building Safety Fund.
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The Government must compel building owners or managers to be honest with residents about fire safety defects.
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The Government should cover the cost of interim safety measures.
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The Government should act as an insurer of last resort and underwrite insurance where premiums have soared.
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A fairer, faster process is needed to replace the EWS1 and funding is necessary to ensure all buildings requiring a form are surveyed within 12 months.
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A fairer, faster process is needed to replace the EWS1 and funding is necessary to ensure all buildings requiring a form are surveyed within 12 months.
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Protecting residents from historic and future costs must be a key commitment of new building safety legislation.
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